Thomas Hagemann – digital marketing consultant

If you’re looking for a digital marketing consultant to help you reach the next level, you’ve come to the right place. Let me begin by saying that it’s good to see you, thanks for popping by. Marketing can be a veritable jungle and to make sure you don’t waste time and money barking up the wrong tree, employing the support of a digital marketing expert can make a lot of sense.

What I do.

I’ve been working in the crossroads of digital marketing, design and technology for nearly ten years (most of my career), and I’m incredibly passionate about all three areas. But it’s when you bring them together that the real magic happens. In some markets, leaders already do this very well, and in sectors that are slow to adapt, new incumbents rapidly make the stagnant irrelevant. Being able to use my skills, knowledge and drive to help others embrace the change, and attain their goals, is what drives me. I see myself as incredibly fortunate to work with stuff I love.

But don’t let the big words put you off, I work with organisations of all sizes, advising them on, and helping them get up and running with, their marketing. It can range from high level strategy development, to tactical implementation of aspects of a marketing strategy.

I also frequently act as an client adviser on web projects, when the client lack internal resources to manage the project adequately.

Why not get in touch for a free initial consultation?